Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thanks... everyone who came out to make this a success. I'm amazed at how much God can be in something like a soccer tournament and how he can use that. Pray for us as we leave in a couple weeks and thank you for becoming a huge part of it.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

About the Tournament


The Chapel Grayslake Campus
Saturday, May 17th
Begins at 10AM with games beginning at Noon.

Cost is $10 a person
3 v. 3 Format
Last team playing wins prizes

Form your team of 3 the day of or before the tournament at $10 a person.

Name your team.

There are no goalies just a lot of offense.

It's a double elimination tournament with the championship game being played between the two teams with the most goals.

The proceeds will help further God's kingdom in Fiji.

This is open to everyone!

ONLY $10!

Contact Josh M. at

The Rules

Number of Players: Six is the maximum number of players on a team: three field players and three substitutes. (A team must have a minimum of 2 field players). Players may only play on one team per division. There are no goalkeepers in 3v3. Coed teams must have a minimum of one female player on the field at all times (this only applies to adult teams). Teams that have only one female will forfeit their remaining games if the female participant is no longer able to participate.

Player Registration: Registeration is limited to the FIRST 20 TEAMS registered for the tournament. All players must be registered prior to their first scheduled game time. Teams cannot add players after their first game has been started. Tournament officials have the right to demand proof of age for any player included on the roster. Players are required to carry proof of age with them at all times during the event.

Coed Rules: A coed team consists of a combination of male and female players. During play, there must be at least one female player on the field at all times.

Uniforms: All players must bring both a light and dark colored jersey/shirt. If both teams are wearing the same color, a coin flip will determine which team must change. In playoffs, the higher seed will have the option.

Game Duration: The game shall consist of two 12-minute halves separated by a two minute halftime period OR the first team to reach 12 goals, whichever comes first. A coin toss will determine direction and possession before the start of the game. Games tied after regulation play shall end in a tie, except in the playoffs. There are no timeouts and the Game Clock does not stop in 3v3 games. The referee has the official time on the field and holds the right to take necessary action if he/she feels that a team is delaying the game.

* The length of these games may be modified the day of the tournament up until the first game begins.

Substitution:Substitutions may be made during dead-ball situations, regardless of possession. Teams must gain the referees attention and players must enter and exit at mid-field. Substitutions shall not be made on the fly!

Delay of Game: Any player may be cautioned with a yellow card if it is deemed by the referee that the player is intentionally wasting time .e.g.: if a player intentionally kicks the ball long distances away from the playing field in order to waste time.

No Offsides in 3v3 Soccer! No slide Tackling: If a player is sliding, no contact is allowed. If a player slides and contact is initiated, a free kick shall be awarded. This does not prevent players from sliding to stop/intercept a ball where contact is not initiated during the slide. Example: a player may slide to save a ball from going out-of-bounds.

Hand Ball Clarification: Deliberate handling of the ball that denies a team of an obvious goal-scoring opportunity will result in the following: (1) A penalty kick (at the discretion of the referee) (2) A yellow or red card given to the player committing the hand ball (at the discretion of the referee).

Cautioned Players (Yellow Card): Players that receive two yellow cards in one game will result in a red card and will lose playing rights for the touranment. (Please see red card rule).

Kick Off: May be taken in any direction. You cannot score directly from a kick off (ball must be 100% over the mid-line to be considered on the offensive half of the field). Kick-offs must make one full rotation before the ball will be considered in play.

Kick-Ins: The ball shall be kicked into play from the sideline instead of thrown in. The ball is considered in play when the ball is touched and moves one full rotation. Kick-Ins must make one full rotation before the ball will be considered in play.

3v3 Volunteers

3 v. 3 Co-Ed Soccer Tournament
Don't want to play soccer? Sweet, become a part of our Sideline Team.

What we need:

This person is responsible for getting to the tournament an hour (9:00am) early to help set-up the sign-in area. Once sign-in begins, it will be your responsibility to sign-in teams and their players, and to record team names. After players and teams have signed in they will be directed by you to the cash station. Sign-in for players begins at 10am lasting until 11am. Upon completion of sign-in, this person may also help out with the concession stand.

Cash/Concessions Technician
This person is responsible for getting to the tournament an hour (9:00am) early to help set up. Upon signing in, each person will be asked to pay the $10 registration fee. The responsibility of this person is take the money and keep track of it. Once sign-in is complete, the primary responsibility of this person is to take money for the concessions area (bottled water, soda, refreshments, etc). This person will be assisted by the volunteer from the sign-in table, once that person's duties are completed.

This person is responsible for getting to the tournament 30 minutes (9:30am) to an hour early to help set up. Primary responsibility of this person is to continually update the bracket. Once teams sign in they will be directed to you and give you the name of their team. You will assign them to a Division on the bracket. The number of divisions depends on the number of teams that sign up. No more than 4 teams should be assigned to a division. Since there will be up to 20 teams signed up, potentially there could be 5 divisions with 4 teams a piece. At the conclusion of each game it is up to the bracketologist to update the bracket board and keep track of the standings such as when a team has been eliminated, etc. Person will also be responsible for relaying the information to the DJ, if there is no DJ the bracketologist will announce the updated standings after each round. If there is a DJ, the bracketologist will also be responsible with assisting the the DJ in whatever way needed.

Person needs to arrive an hour before games begin, (10:30am) Must also bring own equipment. The primary responsibility of this person is to incorporate some sweet soccer related tunes (such as blur's song #2 or the ataris, etc.). Other responsibilities are announcing winners of prize drawings, announcing winners after each game, and announcing when a team has been eliminated and etc. with an accompanying fun and energetic attitude. The DJ will have the Bracketoligist at his/her beckon call when needed.

*If there is no DJ, we will need someone with a strong voice or bull horn to relay this information.

Ball Retrieving Specialist
Person will need to arrive around 10:30am to help set up the playing fields. However, if the Spirit leads, can arrive earlier to help out in other areas until games begin. This person will be responsible for retrieving shots on goal only. Which means any ball going out of bounds in the corners or sidelines will be retrieved by the players. We need 4 of these people, one stationed behind each goal.

Grounds Beautification Specialist
Post tournament (or afterwards), we will need some volunteers to stick around and help clean up the area of trash, equipment, etc.

Support Without Soccer

So, maybe soccer isn’t your thing, but you still feel as if God is leading you to support this trip financially, feel free to still contact Josh Martin or Cat Olson. By doing so you are making something happen that otherwise wouldn’t, and becoming a part of something bigger than all of us. I want to encourage you to pray and seek God out in what you can do to support this trip as we prepare to leave in a couple of weeks. Or if you don’t really feel God calling you to participate by playing, we do need volunteers to help before, during, and after the tournament. We are hoping to break this into shifts so that volunteers don’t have to stay all day.