Saturday, May 10, 2008

3v3 Volunteers

3 v. 3 Co-Ed Soccer Tournament
Don't want to play soccer? Sweet, become a part of our Sideline Team.

What we need:

This person is responsible for getting to the tournament an hour (9:00am) early to help set-up the sign-in area. Once sign-in begins, it will be your responsibility to sign-in teams and their players, and to record team names. After players and teams have signed in they will be directed by you to the cash station. Sign-in for players begins at 10am lasting until 11am. Upon completion of sign-in, this person may also help out with the concession stand.

Cash/Concessions Technician
This person is responsible for getting to the tournament an hour (9:00am) early to help set up. Upon signing in, each person will be asked to pay the $10 registration fee. The responsibility of this person is take the money and keep track of it. Once sign-in is complete, the primary responsibility of this person is to take money for the concessions area (bottled water, soda, refreshments, etc). This person will be assisted by the volunteer from the sign-in table, once that person's duties are completed.

This person is responsible for getting to the tournament 30 minutes (9:30am) to an hour early to help set up. Primary responsibility of this person is to continually update the bracket. Once teams sign in they will be directed to you and give you the name of their team. You will assign them to a Division on the bracket. The number of divisions depends on the number of teams that sign up. No more than 4 teams should be assigned to a division. Since there will be up to 20 teams signed up, potentially there could be 5 divisions with 4 teams a piece. At the conclusion of each game it is up to the bracketologist to update the bracket board and keep track of the standings such as when a team has been eliminated, etc. Person will also be responsible for relaying the information to the DJ, if there is no DJ the bracketologist will announce the updated standings after each round. If there is a DJ, the bracketologist will also be responsible with assisting the the DJ in whatever way needed.

Person needs to arrive an hour before games begin, (10:30am) Must also bring own equipment. The primary responsibility of this person is to incorporate some sweet soccer related tunes (such as blur's song #2 or the ataris, etc.). Other responsibilities are announcing winners of prize drawings, announcing winners after each game, and announcing when a team has been eliminated and etc. with an accompanying fun and energetic attitude. The DJ will have the Bracketoligist at his/her beckon call when needed.

*If there is no DJ, we will need someone with a strong voice or bull horn to relay this information.

Ball Retrieving Specialist
Person will need to arrive around 10:30am to help set up the playing fields. However, if the Spirit leads, can arrive earlier to help out in other areas until games begin. This person will be responsible for retrieving shots on goal only. Which means any ball going out of bounds in the corners or sidelines will be retrieved by the players. We need 4 of these people, one stationed behind each goal.

Grounds Beautification Specialist
Post tournament (or afterwards), we will need some volunteers to stick around and help clean up the area of trash, equipment, etc.

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